Duro Dyne FG Mach 70 Pinspotter

Duro Dyne

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Product Overview

Duro Dyne FG Mach 70 Pinspotter 27184
High Power Bulk Feed Automatic Air Pinspotter. Throat Size: 69" throat allows fasteners to be placed up to 1.5" from edge of work without repositioning. The MACH III will weld pins from 1/2 inch to 4 inches long on steel from 26 gauge to 18 gauge. Input voltage: 230V, 60 Hz single phase, 100 amp service. Input pressure of 80 psi.

Duro Dyne FG Mach III Pinspotter 18004

Thraot Size 69"
Gauge 26-18
Input voltage 230V, 60 Hz Single Phase 100 amp
Input Preassure 80 PSI