SR24 Tennsmith 2 Foot 2 Inch Diameter Slip Roll


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Product Overview

Tennsmith's SR24 2 Foot 2 Inch Diameter Slip Roll  combines precision-turned, ground, and polished high carbon steel rolls with heavy-duty cast iron end frames.

Convenient operating features include large roll adjusting screws, scales for speeding repeat set-up, and a front mounted handle to lift the upper roll for material removal. Wire grooves are also standard.

See below link for optional stand.  Made in the USA.


Type: manual
Mild Steel Capacity: 20 gauge 
Stainless Capacity: 24 gauge 
Working Length (inches): 24
Min Forming Radius (inches): 1
Number/Dia Of Rolls: (3) 2 inch
Driven Rolls: 2
Wire Grooves: 3/16 inch, 1/4 inch, 5/16 inch
Weight (pounds): 190


3 year manufacturer's warranty 

Stand for machine